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Basic dividend policy

Basic dividend policy of IIJ is that IIJ pays dividends to its shareholders continuously and stably while considering the need to have retained earnings for the enhancement of financial position, mid-to-long term business expansion and future business investment etc. Based on the Articles of Incorporation of IIJ, the frequency of dividend payments is twice each fiscal year, an interim dividend and a year-end dividend. The interim dividend is decided by the meeting of the board directors of IIJ and the year-end dividend is approved at IIJ general meeting of shareholders.

Year-End dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

Year-End dividend payment date for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024: June 28, 2024

Historical Dividend

The figures have been retroactively adjusted to reflect the effect of stock splits conducted on and before October 1, 2022.

Fiscal Year Dividend per Share (Yen)
Interim Year-End Annual
FY2024 (ending March 2025) 17.50
FY2023 (ended March 2024) 17.18 17.18 34.36
FY2022 (ended March 2023) 14.625 14.63 29.255
FY2021 (ended March 2022) 11.50 12.50 24.00
FY2020 (ended March 2021) 5.125 9.75 14.875
FY2019 (ended March 2020) 3.375 3.375 6.75
FY2018 (ended March 2019) 3.375 3.375 6.75
FY2017 (ended March 2018) 3.375 3.375 6.75
FY2016 (ended March 2017) 3.375 3.375 6.75
FY2015 (ended March 2016) 2.75 2.75 5.50
FY2014 (ended March 2015) 2.75 2.75 5.50
FY2013 (ended March 2014) 2.75 2.75 5.50
FY2012 (ended March 2013) 2.1875 2.50 4.6875
FY2011 (ended March 2012) 1.875 2.1875 4.0625
FY2010 (ended March 2011) 1.5625 1.875 3.4375
FY2009 (ended March 2010) 1.25 1.5625 2.8125
FY2008 (ended March 2009) 1.25 1.25 2.50
FY2007 (ended March 2008) 0.9375 1.25 2.1875
FY2006 (ended March 2007) - 1.875 1.875

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