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Ensuring diversity in the promotion of core human resources

Policy for ensuring diversity

As one of the business philosophy, IIJ Group sets "We aim to offer meaningful working opportunities for growth through business, in which our staff with diversified talents and values can take a proactive approach to technical innovation and social contribution, and actively demonstrate their abilities with pride and a sense of satisfaction". IIJ Group has hired diverse human resources irrespective of gender, nationality, disability, other personal attributes, and whether they are new graduates or mid-career hires, and IIJ Group has deployed and promoted them based on their ability and performance with respect for various perspectives and values. IIJ Group believes that the continuous pursuit of the above business philosophy will lead to creating new technologies and values.

Characteristics of human resource structure

As of April, 2024, approximately 70% of the total employees in IIJ Group belonged to in technology and service departments, and most of them were recruited from universities and other educational backgrounds in science and engineering where the ratio of female was low. In addition, IIJ was founded in 1992, and in the early days of its business, it had not hired new graduates but mid-career professionals, which resulted in a structural characteristic that the ratios of male employees and mid-career hires are higher in older age groups.

Regarding voluntary and measurable targets for ensuring the diversity of core human resources etc.

Female employees

As IIJ's ratio of female hires including mid-careers and new graduates has been increasing in recent years, the ratio of female managers is expected to increase along with the increase in the ratio of female employees. As of April 2024, IIJ's ratio of female managers was 7.5%, and therefore IIJ has brought forward its FY2027 target of 8% or more by one year to FY2026.

IIJ (non-consolidated basis) Number of employees (By gender)

IIJ (non-consolidated basis) Number of hired employees (By gender)

IIJ (non-consolidated basis) Number of managerial positions and ratio of females in managerial positions

Mid-career hires

The ratio of mid-career hires in management positions of IIJ group was approximately 70% as of April 2024, owing partly to the characteristic of human resource structure. The IIJ Group's current basic policy for hiring is to hire and train new graduates as its major human resources with hiring mid-career professionals for immediate business needs, and it will continue to follow this policy. Therefore, the IIJ Group expects the ratio of mid-career hires in management positions to decline organically, and it does not set a specific number target.

Non-Japanese employees

In line with the above the IIJ Group's business philosophy, IIJ Group continues to hire employees irrespective of nationality, etc. IIJ Group has employed non-Japanese people as Internet-related technical researchers and other positions, but it does not set a specific number target for the ratio of non-Japanese employees since its business is mainly conducted in Japan.

Employing people with disabilities

IIJ Group strives to create a working environment in which all employees can work with a feeling of vitality. To achieve this, we employ people with disabilities not for engaging in limited types of work but by having them take charge of a variety of work according to the degree of their disabilities and capabilities.

The Group has introduced a work system where employees with walking disabilities can work at home because commuting to work can be a major inconvenience, particularly in regional areas. As of April 2024, 29 employees of IIJ Group in Sapporo and 5 employees in Matsue are working under this system.

As of June 2024, the employment rate for people with disabilities was 2.6%, achieving the statutory employment rate. We continue to work to further promote employment.

IIJ (non-consolidated basis) Number and employment rate of employees with disabilities

  • (※)One full-time worker with severe disabilities is counted as 2 persons.
  • (※)On June 1st of each business year

Reemployment system for retired employees

IIJ has introduced a "continuous employment system" to reemploy retired employees. This system allows employees to continue working as temporary staff from the day following their mandatory retirement at the age of 60. Over the past five years, most of reemployment have taken advantage of this system. The details of responsibilities and working hours of reemployed employees are decided through consultation between the company and the employee.

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