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  1. HOME
  2. About IIJ
  3. Company Information
  4. IIJ's Strengths
  5. Group Membership

Group Membership

IIJ aims to create secure communication infrastructure that all people can rely on. To that end, we are involved in a range of activities related to the development and popularization of Internet technology, including efforts to create international standards for said technology, and security activities that contribute to building a safe Internet society. Here we introduce some of the groups that we are members of.

Initiatives related to the development and popularization of Internet technology

An international standardization organization for Internet technology. IIJ was a founding member, and is currently involved in the standardization of technology as a gold member company.

Telecom Services Association(Japanese text only.)

A group whose activities are aimed at creating diverse information services and developing a healthy competitive market to build a safe and secure telecommunication network society. IIJ serves on the board of directors, and plays an active role in its activities.

A standardization organization in the IoT domain. It develops specifications for LoRaWAN®, an open protocol for low-power wide-area wireless (LPWA).
LoRaWAN®, which is an open protocol for low-power wide-area wireless (LPWA), and works to spread the protocol and enable interconnection and interoperability.
IIJ, as a member of this alliance, is working to promote LoRaWAN®.

Main Security Activities

An international organization that responds to security incidents. It plays an active role in building a safe Internet society through collaborative countermeasures and information sharing in response to incidents.

ICT-ISAC Japan(Japanese text only.)

A group that acts to ensure the security of the telecommunications sector, which is part of Japan's critical infrastructure. IIJ has served as a member since the preparatory phase of Telecom-ISAC Japan, a predecessor organization of ICT-ISAC Japan. We remain a full member today, and still take part in its activities.

A nonprofit corporation that aims to spread and promote information security and resolve its various challenges to contribute to the healthy development of cybersociety. IIJ serves in an executive position, and works toward improving information security levels by performing surveys and providing information regarding current information security.

A trade association that aims to promote security operation services for IT system operation and improve their quality. IIJ participates as a founding member, and currently serves as the leader of the Targeted Attack Countermeasure Evaluation Working Group. We are involved in conducting fact-finding surveys on targeted attacks, as well as evaluating protective measures and performing proof-of-concept tests.

An association established to respond to situations that threaten Japan's computer security, and build a close collaborative system between CSIRTs in corporations active in Japan. IIJ continues to be active as a founding member of the association.

NPO Institute of Digital Forensics(Japanese text only.)

A research society established to help realize a healthy IT society by popularizing and promoting digital forensics. IIJ is actively involved in tackling information security issues as a full member.

Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and policy issues

ITU-T Study Group 3 provides a unique global forum to improve the understanding of the financial and economic aspects associated with the growth of ICT, particularly with respect to the shift to IP-based and NGN/Future Networks and the exponential rise in mobile wireless communications.

Anti-spam measure initiatives

An international working group that carries out anti-spam measures, etc. IIJ was the only participant from Japan when it was established, and we have applied international initiatives and technology to our services in Japan at a swift pace.

JPAAWG(Japanese text only.)

An Japaneseworking group that carries out anti-spam measures, etc. IIJ is a founding member.

An industry-academic-government collaboration involved with anti-spam measures. Since 2013 IIJ has served as acting chairperson on the council (parent committee), and as a member of the board of governors, while also presiding as chief examiner for the Sender Authentication Technology Workgroup. We contribute to promoting anti-spam measures through activities such as the popularization of sender authentication technology.

Development of software and other technology

An organization established to popularize and develop Ruby, with the goal of resolving issues related to the use of Ruby in the enterprise domain. IIJ supported the establishment of the association, and is now actively promoting the spread and development of Ruby by serving as a member of the governing board.

Initiatives related to the safe use of the Internet

An association for gathering information and sharing opinions with regard to improving the Internet usage environment, as well as discussing its development. IIJ was a founding member, and currently serves as secretary. Through our activities we are working towards building a better Internet usage environment.

This council aims to contribute to a safer and more secure information and communication society by promoting rules and etiquette regarding the safe and secure use of information and communication, and fostering an understanding of the importance of information security. Its goal is to protect users of information and communication, and facilitating proper usage.

A group that aims to contribute to a safe Internet environment through activities such as helping to prevent the circulation of illegal content via the Internet. IIJ has been active as a member since it was established.

Initiative related to the Privacy Compliance

The IAPP is the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource. IIJ has been active as the first member among Japanese multinational companies since 2017.

An association to develop experts who can be Data Protection Officers (DPOs) and to strengthen and improve privacy governance of Japanese multinational companies to build solid and trust relationship with international society. IIJ is a founding member of the association.

Training human resources to support IT infrastructure

AITAC(Japanese text only.)

An organization aimed at training human resources who have both network and computing skills, with the ability to utilize and apply software resources such as virtualization and external cloud solutions, and operate and manage IT infrastructure in the IoT era. IIJ is active as a full member.

Development of Datacenter

JDCC is a NPO which aims to solve problems so that Japanese data centers can be internationally competitive in terms of cost, performance, safety, and reliability. IIJ is a founding member of JDCC.

JEITA is a representative trade association in the Japanese IT and electronics industry. IIJ works as a member of the Green IT Promotion Committee and its subordinate data center energy conservation committee.

Development of media technology

The purpose of this organization is to promote the development of the motion-picture, television and allied arts and sciences, and to carry out technical standardization work.
IIJ is constantly researching the latest trends to feed back into our services and solutions.

The VSF is an international association comprised of service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for media networking technologies.
IIJ is actively participating in the forum to promote Video/Audio over IP and introduce the technology to the Japanese market.

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