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  6. IIJ Launches "coconote" Communication Tool for Connecting At-home Care Patients with Medical and Nursing Specialists

IIJ Launches "coconote" Communication Tool for Connecting At-home Care Patients with Medical and Nursing Specialists

Note Platform enables Comprehensive Community Care through Information Sharing among Patients, their Families, and Nursing and Medical Specialists

May 22, 2019

TOKYO-May 22, 2019-Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ, NASDAQ: IIJI, TSE1: 3774), one of Japan's leading Internet access and comprehensive network solutions providers, today announced the launch of "coconote", a communication tool that enables patients and their families to share information with medical specialists over IIJ's "Electronic contact/communication Note Service." Smartphones and tablets are used to communicate with physicians involved in at-home medical care, nurses, and other support specialists, who can also share medical and care-related information. This service will be available for use by local governments and care facilities across Japan starting today.

The "IIJ Electronic contact/communication Note Service" has been available since April 2017 as an ICT platform for specialists (including doctors, nurses, caregivers, pharmacists, care managers, and the like) who provide support to share information on geriatric and pediatric patients who receive treatment or care at home. Now, with the addition of the new “coconote” communication tool to help connect patients and their families with specialists, users will be able to share records pertaining to their at-home treatment directly with specialists, which will in turn allow those specialists to reference individual patients' lifestyles at home and provide better support for at-home treatment and care to these users.

IIJ has been supporting the operations of comprehensive community care system organizations (roughly 50 organizations) since 2018 and has developed this new service due to the demand for a solution that can deliver "seamless collaboration between doctors and nurses" for patients who opt for home-based care that came to light through that process. IIJ's goal for the "Electronic Contact/Communication Note Service" is to establish networks of specialists for entire regions in addition to at-home care by broadening its scope to include not only professionals working in medicine, nursing, and welfare but also people in other industries such as childcare, education, and disaster prevention.

Key features

Information sharing through simple operation

The service allows information to be shared with all of a group of specialists or to one individually. Users can easily choose between two separate tabs shown on the menu. By posting journal-like entries about day-to-day life, patients can report their conditions that those specialists would not sufficiently get during home care. Exchanging photos and videos in addition to text, it possible to create records of specific bodily changes and communicate them, while ensuring privacy during individual consultations.

Patient and family accounts can be isolated

When a patient's family, such as the parents of a pediatric patient, wishes to share information with specialists, this information can be isolated from the patient by creating an account for the family. This protects the privacy of the patient and their family.

Using shared information as reference data for remote consultations

Doctors can use the information (including text, photos, and videos) uploaded to "coconote" by patients and their families as reference data for remote consultations.

IIJ will continue to contribute to the advancement of comprehensive community care by connecting people and systems to allow patients being treated at home to continue feel at ease living where they always have.

About IIJ

Founded in 1992, IIJ is one of Japan's leading Internet-access and comprehensive network solutions providers. IIJ and its group companies provide total network solutions that mainly cater to high-end corporate customers. IIJ's services include high-quality Internet connectivity services, systems integration, cloud computing services, security services and mobile services. Moreover, IIJ has built one of the largest Internet backbone networks in Japan that is connected to the United States, the United Kingdom and Asia. IIJ was listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2006.

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